Introducing the FUTURe of Traction Battery Charging
May 29, 2019
Increase efficiency
Increase productivity
Reduce downtime
Reduce carbon footprint
Save money
These are the aspects of business that we would all like to improve upon, agreed?
At Triathlon Battery Solutions we are dedicated to providing you with the technology to do just that. That’s why we are eager to introduce you to the first fully resonant switching High Frequency charging system in the world, the TriCOM FUTUR Resonant Frequency Traction Battery Charger (we call it the “RF charger” for short).
Our RF chargers are state of the art; they operate a new Soft Resonance (SR) switching technology which guarantees a very ‘soft’, lossless, high frequency switching from 50kHz to 170kHz over the entire operating range of a full charging cycle. This type of technology is brand new to charging devices and guarantees a maximum efficiency of up to 97%! As an example, if you were to pair one of these chargers with our Lithium-Ion batteries you would achieve an efficiency rating of 96%, which would mean an overall output of 94% from power source to electrical truck.
The image below shows a comparison of the energy efficiency between 50Hz, HF and RF when paired with a Lead-Acid battery.

We’ve also implemented a new Easy Touch graphic display which allows you to select between 32 different preset charging platforms, as well as the option to program your own individual parameters. The Easy Touch display also features Quick Check, this allows service engineers to instantly see an overview of the status of the charger allowing for a quick, time-saving (which in turn means money-saving) service.

Our overarching design goal, regardless of whether our products are used individually or in a group, is always to conserve natural resources and reduce the negative environmental impact. That’s why we’ve introduced Total E-Control 4.0, the system features an innovative wireless networking features that allows you to use the management system more effectively, giving you the benefits of energy, time, cost and resource saving system solutions. The Total E-Control can also be combined with our next Battery Guard 4.0, icon Battery Guard 4.0, Central monitoring, NetVision and ConVision systems to increase efficiency and reduce your carbon footprint even further. Moreover, the IONIC Mixing option has also been further improved to reduce power consumption by up to 12%.
An innovative, “encapsulated active Cooling” system for the power electronics guarantees a longer service life and saves money as well as resources.
The high efficiency of the TriCOM FUTUR with the new SR-Switching Technology simultaneously minimizes heat losses. For this reason, direct active cooling of the electrical system using a fan is not necessary. The passive convection cooling system prevents dirt and grime from penetrating into the device and thus protects the electronic modules. This increases the service life of the charger and significantly minimizes contamination by water, dust, and acid fumes. This permanently reduces service, replacement parts, and material costs.
Maximum efficiency of up to 97%
Easy touch graphic display making programming and servicing easier than ever before
Innovative battery management system increasing efficiency and reducing environmental impact
Active cooling system reducing service intervals and the need for replacement parts
Now that we’ve got you interested…
Contact us today to see how our RF chargers can work for you…
And remember, RF chargers are exclusive to Triathlon
T: 0161 848 0094